Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On the Olympic Green

So what most people don't know about the Olympics is that where ever the Olympic Green or Square is the sponsors have exhibits that you can tour for free.

Omega had a row boat outside where you could take your picture.

These are a few of the people who were in front of us. Everyone was having a great time! Asians LOVE taking pictures- especially when they are in them!

Here Kelly and I are at our rowing finest!

Another sponsor had huge stuffed Friendlies that we took our picture with.

I felt this was a much better option then getting my picture taken with the people dressed as Friendlies. (Most of you know I have an extreme dislike to people in costume!)

Over at the Samsung building my friend and I got in line. We thought the line went into the building, but after standing there for a good 5-10 min we began to notice that other people appeared to be entering the building without being in our line. As the line moved up we suddenly realized... oh-we are in line to get our picture taken with the torch!

So it was a good line to accidentally wander into! This is my best- 'Hey look I am running with the torch face!'

Kelly and I did the classic torch hand off that you always see on TV.

Over at the Adidas building they had a giant sculpture of Team China's jersey which Adidas designed.

Inside they has exhibits of famous runners shoes and a case showing you all the different shoes for different sports. They had a fake track area so I decided to pose for a picture and I started trend. All the Asians behind me then did the same!

I think Adidas has had some really neat and artistic ads this year in conjunction with the games. This is one of them.

Next we went to the Coca-Cola building which had the longest line and we probably waited for at least a half hour if not more to get in. I think it was worth it although I also had nothing else to do that day and was just really excited to be near anything Olympic!

So they had a cool little movie about coke and the Games and then they had Olympic Coca-cola paraphernalia on display from different years. They also had some torches on display from past Olympics. My favorite though were these sculptures.

Coke had an art contest and selected a local artist from every province in China. The artist then got to design an over sized coke bottle for them to display.

So every province in China is represented in this room.

Here I found the one for the other province I have lived in.

It had the minorities dancing painted on it.

They were really neat. I especially liked the ones that had stuff carved as well as painted on them.

I was proud of coke for supporting the arts and have decided that creating a piece of Olympic art that gets displayed at an Olympics is now a goal of mine.

Every bottle was different and it reflected China well.