Friday, February 22, 2008

Elephants, Monkeys, and Me!

Hello Darling and welcome to my tropical jungle safari!

Ok so I don't actually own this hat a friend of mine does but I thought I looked quite devonaire! Out in the jungles we saw many elephants.They were very interested in us, especially our bananas!They were really fun to feed, their trunks are pretty impressive.Here he reached up behind his head and snatched a banana that you can see in the lower right hand corner is in his trunk and he is going to put it in his mouth and eat it peal and all.

This is the 'I got nothing' pose.

A nice elephant smile in return for all the bananas.

The local elephant riders laugh at the crazy foreigners.

The elephants have the same rider for their whole life. The rider and elephant pretty much grow up together and are very close and comfortable with each other.Riders often can be seen napping on top of the elephants in the shade.Some of these elephants were pretty old.
After feeding the elephants we went on an elephant ride.

They even took us through water on their backs. It was cool.

After the elephants we ran into these guys.

Yep, Monkeys!

When they are still they look cute but believe me they are trouble! They took our glasses right off our faces!