Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One Ring Circus

Welcome to the Circus!Ta da! Check out the awesome local costumes.This is like no circus you have ever seen.It is done buy a local minority group and has a lot of ethnic flair.This girl is standing on this thin board between these guys shoulders.She jumps through a hula hoop while regaining her balancing on the beam. Pretty good.There were lots of different dancing routines.One lone bear to represent the animal population. I felt sorry for the little guy.Some contortionists which was pretty crazy.They were surrounded by other girls doing some kind of tea cup dance.Their dresses were really pretty and they had good balance.None of the girls looked very old.Ah yes, clowns- usually not my favorite. Okay they make me nervous but these were different.These have a very cultural flair. One of them is a guy dressed as a Muslim women with his head covered. Another is a guy in overalls who is pregnant. (overalls are the Asian maternity clothing of choice)Next we have unicycles.This looked hard. These girls would pedal around stage...... and then flip the bowls on to their heads!They would dance atop their wheel.Ride around.Sometimes throw the bowls on to other girl's heads.It looked tricky.Twirling plates was featured.Quite the little comedy routine.They did have a lot of plates spinning.Can't leave out the magician. Every circus has to have one of those right?(actually this was the first circus I had ever been to so what do I know!)That girl was inside the box the swords were stuck through.This was my favorite. They would just wrap themselves up in two pieces of cloth and then fly around the stage.Sometimes it was the legs wrapped up, other times the arms.She would wrap the cloth around her and then carry him around.Or he would get wrapped up and carry her.Pretty crazy how trusting they were of that cloth.These little guys would run and jump and fly through the hoops.Two at a time even, with flips.It was cool.Now this girl did some impressive hula hooping. She started off slow with one and then added two,then we got up to five.Head, arms, waist- they were everywhere.Then she got the big slinky!That was cool, I would like to see her take that down a set of stairs!Last but not least we have tight rope walking!Check out how high up it was, and only three mattress pads to cushion the fall.This guy almost fell.This dude hoped over that dude.Same here, pretty impressive, especially in those bright blue tights. We had blindfolded with plates on his feet go across.Rode a unicycle across.
Even jumped rope. (this guy did slip and have to pull himself back up)
All in all, it was a good show.