Welcome to my closet!
Okay so I am giving you a tour of my apartment and it just so happens that we are going to do it backwards from the back to the front. So here goes.
My amazing walk-in closet, clothing, dresser, jewelry.
Awesome curtain in which a nice size storage area lies behind.
Awesome curtain in which a nice size storage area lies behind.
Yes- I hung a map up in my closet- that's how big it is.
Outside the closet in my bedroom you have my desk.
My rug from China is on the floor.
My Chinese curtains are hanging up along with some of my Chinese art and collages.
Continuing around the bedroom things get a little bare. I have an awesome painting by Kelly on the wall not pictured and I am waiting to hang up my earthquake art and get some bookcases in.
Just outside my bedroom is the art corner. My table takes up most of it and I hung my art prints all around.
Can't leave out the star wars calendar!
More art.
Directly across from the art corner is the bathroom.
Directly across from the art corner is the bathroom.
It's a map!
Medicine cabinet, toilet, candles... and the frame is waiting for another Cambodia photo.
Thailand photos will go on the wall here above the sink.
So this is what you see if you turn right after walking in the front door. Bathroom on the left, art corner on the right, and bedroom straight ahead.
The kitchen is what you walk straight into once you enter the apartment.