Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Wall Again

Outside of the Big City...So a 2hr train ride outside of my new home... offers more views of the Great Wall. This time you can see parts of the wall higher up on the mountain that are un-restored.

Here people aren't to far away- growing crops and living in the wall's shadow.

The browner colored stones are pieces of the original- the grey is where it has been repaired.

A view of the wall, through the wall.

Lots of stairs- quite a hike to the tower.

The mountains were nice.

We didn't make it this far, it was really steep.

This is my travel buddy with the wall.

We weren't alone on the wall...
this couple was out getting their wedding photos taken!

Check out the hazy pollution in the background.

The little grass is having a rest, so you have to be quiet, don't disturb!
Big grass is fine though- they don't take rests!

The wall goes all the way down the mountain into the closest city.

From up on the wall you can see some of the traditional Hu Tong houses.