Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Day at the Gorge

On my last trip out of town, I finally found landscape that looks like all the books and movies you see about East Asia. Running through the tall, round, green mountains of this area is a huge gorge.

Well come on! Let's see what it's like! We start at the top and work our way down.

Luck for me it is rainy season and the waterfalls are plentiful!

We even got to pass behind and underneath a few.

The river was full and fast below us.

This was just the beginning of getting wet!

Seems strange to have an umbrella on a sunny day, but the locals were smart and brought one to help keep them dry!
Here is me and one of the skinniest waterfalls we saw that day.

This is the first of many bridges that we crossed. It was made of steel cable and steel slats but the slats were spaced a part so you could see the water below.

We head further down and see even more waterfalls.
Here is me with my two scared looking friends braving it across the bridge.

The water might not be very pretty but the rainbows were beautiful.
I can't tell you how green everything was!
Living on the edge of the desert made this hard to believe.
This is what the cliffs around us looked like.
More amazing waterfalls.

The path cut in along the gorge walls and we trekked further down the river.

We even went through some caves.

We walked a long ways.

The largest waterfall is up ahead. Can you see all the mist?!

Rain drops keep falling on my head...

More bridges!

Water, water, everywhere...
There was so much water finding it's way down the cliff sides that it made everything look like it was sliding down the walls. All of the plants, rocks, and dirt had been shaped by the water.

We were very wet and very cold after...
Walking strait into the belly of the beast!
We all did our best to walk as far into the mist as we could bare. It was very loud and very wet, you couldn't see a thing!